- Infomation
Jun 02, 2020Regarding the level of the BCP (level 2: restricted (medium)) for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection -
- Event
Oct 18, 2011Topology in chiral superconductivity ~Universality of condensed matter physics and quantum field theory~ Hiroyoshi Nobukane(Laboratory of electronic properties of low-dimensional conductors) 24 October,(mon.)Event Date: Oct 24, 2011 -
- Event
Jul 07, 2011Progress in Astronomical High-Contrast Instruments -Towards Discoveries of “Second Earths”- Naoshi Murakami (Laboratory of Photonics Engineering) 15th July, (Fri.)Event Date: Jul 15, 2011 -
- Event
Jun 01, 2011Superconductivity in the vicinity of quantum critical point” Dr. Yoshihiko IHARA, June 10thEvent Date: Jul 10, 2011 -
- Event
May 23, 2011Looking into the Atomic World with Microscopy – Tohru KUROSAWA (High Pressure Physics Laboratory) 25 May, (Fri.)Event Date: May 25, 2012