Looking into the Atomic World with Microscopy – Tohru KUROSAWA (High Pressure Physics Laboratory) 25 May, (Fri.)

May 23, 2011
Event Date: May 25, 2012

I would like to announce the 7th Hokudai Pure and Applied Physics Salon.

This time, Tohru Kurosawa is going to introduce us the up-to-date situation of scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. We will see the latest experimental technique that can explore the microscopic system! We reserved a compact lecture room so that every one can easily take part in the hot discussion. Please come and enjoy physics together (and BBQ afterward).
Here are the details of the seminar.


May 25ty (Friday)






Looking into the Atomic World with Microscopy


We can observe a surface of material using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).
Furthermore, scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) informs us of the local density of stat (LDOS) on the surface. Recently, we can obtain information about electronic state not only in real space but in momentum space by STM/STS measurements. In my talk, first of all, I will introduce the principle of STM/STS and Spectroscopic-Imaging STM (SI-STM). Next, I will present the quasi-particle interference which is observed imaging of the local density of state (LDOS image) by giving recent reports.