Stars and Apples Obey the Same Laws

Newton found the universal laws that explain the phenomena of moving planets and falling apples in the same way.  Classical mechanics that he established describes the behavior of objects from the size of a micron to the size of the universe. By the late 19th century, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics were subsequently established on the basis of classical mechanics.

It was discovered that small objects such as atoms and molecules behave in ways that cannot be described by classical mechanics alone. This fact led to the creation of a new theory called quantum mechanics in the early 20th century. It was also recognized that there is a region of speed close to the speed of light where the phenomena seem inconsistent within ordinary classical mechanics, and Einstein created the special theory of relativity to resolve the inconsistency.

In this way, physics continues its journey toward “the universality of everything” through repeated logical description and verification through experiments.

Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology

Theoretical Nuclear Physics